Redwood Region Economic Development Commission
We make loans to businesses in Humboldt County and lead projects that benefit the region's economy.
CERC Weekly Newsletter - Aviation Department Seeks Input, Healthcare Forum Coming, Tourism Strategy, West Company Hiring, And More!
Email from Redwood Region Economic Development Sharing Updates, Coordinating Resources, and Ensuring Consistent Communication Since March 2020 COMMUNITY ECONOMIC RESILIENCE CONSORTIUM CERC Update - 1/
Community Economic Resilience Consortium (CERC)
The CERC is a group of business and economic support organizations from the government, business, and non-profit sectors that meet to share updates, coordinate resources, and ensure consistent communications to our community’s businesses and the public at large.
We do this via a once-per-week Zoom call that features special speakers and project updates. We’ve have been meeting since March 2020.
Sign up to get weekly CERC News and Updates.
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